Friday, July 24, 2009

Proximity: +1 Philly, +.5 NYC

One of the best parts about being on the Eastern Shoreboard is the proximity to an array of cities that this offers you. Megalopolis indeed. Philadelphia, being the more central of the two cities in question here, is obviously superior, since it is closer to a larger number of cities, namely DC, Baltimore and, yes, New York City. Its nice be able to get away from your own city every once in a while, and the NYC - PHL trip has proven to be suprisingly fast and easy. With that in mind, the Philadelphians of this blog are sucking it up and seeing the New Yorkers this weekend. The persons traveling should be noted because - with the exception of Lauren, who kind of had to visit Jon when he lived here every once in a while - though I have been to NYC a minimum of five times this year the number of New Yorkers that have visited me is exactly: zero.
(Looking at you, David Gwilliam.)

Proving once again that Philadelphians are simply better people than New Yorkers.

Can't wait to see you kids.