I am the result of a mixed marriage. My mom hails from upstate New York, and my dad from central Pennsylvania. I would like to state that I love both of my parents equally but there is so much more going on in the rest of PA compared to the rest of NY. Sure, both places have beautiful nature settings and great lake access and some crazy people that think Obama isn't a US citizen. But PA has all those things AND it doesn't get unnecessarily cold in the winter time.
To list all of the positive things about the state would take way more than I have space for here. And sure you may be saying, yeah he has family in NY but he grew up in PA, of course that's where his prejudice would lay. To that I say how.dare.you. Sure, I may only see NY for 1 of the 52 weeks a year, but I think I have a handle on what its all about. When I think of New York I think of this ridiculous city in the lower right corner, and then a bunch of Native Americans surrounding it just kinda being pissed at how screwed they've been.
Psh! It goes without saying that people that have pride in their city rarely give a fuck about the rest of the state. New York state? WTF is that!? All I feel proud of is the fact that the Big Pink is up in there, somewhere.